Saturday, May 30, 2020

Have a Concern The Clock is Ticking

Have a Concern The Clock is Ticking The health of a relationship, team or organization is a function of the average time lag between identifying and discussing problems. For example, this morning you attended the executive committee meeting with your new manager. You were there because you’d helped prepare a budget she was going to present. Then, during the meeting, she changed her mind and buried the proposal. You are a bit concerned, firstly because your team needs the additional budget, and secondly because you’ve seen this kind of behavior before. Your last manager never fought for your team. In fact, he’d throw you and your teammates under the bus whenever he thought it might help his career. Now you wonder if your new manager will do the same. It turns out that how you handle your concernâ€"specifically how long you wait before you discuss your concern with your managerâ€"provides an accurate and important measure of the health of your relationship. People who have strong, healthy relationships speak up as soon as they notice their concerns. The rest of us dither, delay, and defer. According to a new study by VitalSmarts, organizations lose an average of $5,000 in productivity costs when a problem, process or strategy isn’t addressed within three days. We surveyed 792 professionals about the time lag between identifying and discussing problems, and we asked them about the costs these delays incur. As we’d predicted, time lags are common. We looked at fifteen different kinds of concerns and found the average time lag between identifying and speaking up about a concern is about a month. People are less likely to put off concerns that relate to workplace safety and sexual harassment, but more likely to put off concerns that involve peers or managers or that relate to workplace politics or controversial topics. Below are some results from the survey: Unsafe actions or violations of a safety rule. 76% speak up within a week. Any form of sexual harassment or misconduct. 44% speak up within a week. An idea that might improve a process, increase quality, decrease costs, etc., but that encroaches on somebody else’s turf. 28% speak up within a week. Peer performance problems (taking shortcuts, giving poor attention to detail, doing the minimum, etc.). 27% speak up within a week. A manager has gone back on his/her word or broken a promise. 26% speak up within a week. A policy decision that is beginning to create unintended consequences. 23% speak up within a week. Let’s go back to our example. When your manager changed her mind and buried your proposal, it probably felt as if she was going back on her word. Our data suggest that only about one in four of you would share your concerns with her in a timely way. Why wouldn’t you? We wanted to know, so we asked our respondents. The top reasons people gave for delaying these conversations included: worries it will damage the relationship; fears of retaliation; concerns it won’t do any good; and the belief that others won’t step up to support them. Let’s suppose you are among the three out of four who decides to delay the conversation. What do you do instead? Do you somehow put the concern out of your mind, or does it affect your behavior? Our data show that delaying these conversations has a profound and negative impact on your actions: 44 percent avoid working on projects with the person; 43 percent stay away from the person altogether; 39 percent engage in dysfunctional workarounds, and 64 percent internalize their frustrations. None of these actions help to resolve the concerns. Instead, they create problems that are likely to further undercut the relationship and undermine performance. Finally, we wanted to see if we could calculate the dollar cost of avoiding or putting off these conversations. We asked our respondents to estimate the cost to their teams. These delays are very costly. For example, when the problem is addressed within three days, the damage is limited to $5,000. However, when the conversation is delayed by five days or more, employees estimate the damage at more than $25,000. The lesson here is “When you see something, say something.” This sounds simple, but it takes skill. Only 8 percent of those surveyed said their team members were skilled at discussing sensitive, touchy, or political topics. Invest the time to skill up. Be the one who can raise concerns in a way that is honest, frank, and yet respectful. You will build a better relationship, avoid painful workarounds, and save your organization big bucks. About the authors: David Maxfield is a New York Times bestselling author, keynote speaker, and leading social scientist for business performance. He leads the research function at VitalSmarts, a corporate training and leadership development company. His work has been translated into 28 languages, is available in 36 countries, and has generated results for 300 of the Fortune 500. Steve Willis is VP of Professional Services at   VitalSmarts. A respected and valued instructor, Steve consistently receives accolades for his charismatic presentation style and highly effective training design. As one of the original trainers at VitalSmarts, Steve has been on the forefront of developing award-winning training programs, perfecting quality training platforms, and delivering training content that has influenced more than 1,000,000 people.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Great Networking Links Around the Web

Great Networking Links Around the Web Welcome to my weekly post called Monday Motivation! Every Monday morning, I will share with you some of my favorite links around the web. These may be about personal development, goals, career development, networking, fashion.who knows! I promise you that these tips will be a great start to your busy week and you will be able to use some of these tips at work or at home this week. Happy Monday!   As we start this third week of 2011, I wanted to give you a quick update on my networking challenge.   I cant tell how happy I am that I am doing this challenge!   I have already met so many new  people and have re-connected with  many I hadnt spoke to in months.   There is no way I would have  met these people  without doing this challenge.   So I wanted to thank you for all of your encouragement.   I am so thrilled that you guys are taking this huge leap too and stepping out of your comfort zone.   I promise you that the people you will meet in 2011 will open up doors for you that you never would have thought!   So, if you are still interested and havent let me know yet, please send me an email at or leave me a comment so that you can get the networking newsletter sent out this weekend.   You wont regret it! Did you know that as many as 80% of job openings are filled by networking?   This means that solid networking skills are essential to career success, especially in this tough economy!   So in honor of all of you taking on this networking challenge, I wanted to give you a few links around the web that are AWESOME for meeting new people and strengthening your relationships.   Enjoy! Get the free guide for the book  Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi.   Keith is a networking expert and has great advice for us on his blog.   These resources will help you create a relationship action plan and provides you with tips to mastering meeting people when you go  to conferences.   And its all free!! Do you have these top 10 people that you must have  in your network  by Careerealism?   This is a great list to review so that you can fill in the gaps and build a diverse network. Ready to start networking?   Why not attend a professional networking group geared especially to women?   Jane has a job lists the 5 National Womens Networking organizations here. This link is a little old but it is still so true!!   Here are the 10 do-nots of networking from businessweek.   Dont just stand there and dont be a brown-noser!! Do you ever get nervous and forget what to say to someone?   Here are the top 10 questions to ask someone when networking.   I love these because you can ask anyone these questions and get to know them better.   Dont just be that person who hands over the business card and moves on to the next person! Do you enjoy networking events?   How do you stand out and make people remember you? Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The 8 Stages of a Social Recruiting Strategy

The 8 Stages of a Social Recruiting Strategy What is social recruiting and why should your company be doing it? To find out we recently had a chat with Andy Headworth who is the author of Social Media Recruitment, How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy as well as the Managing Director of Sirona Consulting. Hes also an award-winning blogger and speaker on the  international recruiting conference circuit. You can listen to the podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud (embed below) or keep reading for an abridged transcript of our conversation. Why  should you use social recruiting? There are  several aspects to this. The first thing that weve all seen over the last few years that existing recruitment methods are not being as effective as they could be to find the best talent. Theyre still driving people to sites, they are still driving candidates or applicants through job boards, through LinkedIn adverts etc. But companies are not necessarily finding the calibre of the people they would like just from doing that method. The other side to that is that we know from statistics that everyone has four to five social networks. Some a lot more, some a few less, which gives us all a digital footprint. Thats data that we can find as recruiters, thats data that we can engage with, communicate with which is becoming a very big part of social media. The ability to talk, chat, engage with anybody you can find across multiple channels which makes it a much more powerful way of reaching, Im going to use the word passive talent because thats the buzz word but reaching the talent that you wont necessarily get from just placing adverts and doing traditional recruitment methods. How do you craft a social media strategy? Ive got an eight stage process. Which has defined and I use this with clients regularly. Set Your Objectives. So, the first one is the most important thing, which is actually setting your objectives. So this is the thing that a lot of people dont do. So they dont actually know why they are doing it in the first place. So you and I being around this industry long enough to now and have the experience of the CEO that decides to do social media, because their son or daughter says they should do Twitter, weve both seen that. But so the first thing is, understand your objectives for each of the platforms that youve done your homework on and decide that youre going to use.  So LinkedIn is different to Twitter, it different to Facebook, is different to Pinterest so each will have a different objective. Define Your Audience. Number two then is, and probably combined with number one is to define your audience. So understand what your audience is, what youre recruiting for, what they look like, where they are based, what sites they are on, create your persona and map that. And that takes some time but that needs to be done effectively to get some proper results in social. Choose Your Platforms. Then its the question of choosing your platforms. As I said in one, then you set your objectives for those platforms. So most people default and go straight to LinkedIn without even thinking about it, especially in the IT and tech space. A lot of those candidates are no longer active on those platforms, theyre on other ones. So get rid of the assumptions and open your mind. Select Your People. Number four, make sure you choose the right people in your team that are best suited to and motivated to be involved with your social activities, whether thats sourcing on social, whether thats the community managers, whether its the recruiting team that are actually doing the engagement and pushing the content out. Provide Training. They then need to be provided with very, very good training and understanding so that they are using the platforms correctly. Define Your Content Strategy. Whats the content thats going to come out on those platforms, is it going to be your content is it going to be other peoples content, is it going to be created by the employees? Whatever that looks like and again with the objective to meet your objectives that you set in stage one so it might be branding, it might be attraction, it might be actually getting them to apply for jobs. Measurement.  You have to measure what you are doing on a weekly or monthly basis. It needs to be tweaked, changed to maintain what you are trying to achieve. Monitoring.  And on ongoing basis things need to be monitored and this is monitoring for your brand, your website, your people, campaigns and simple tools like Google Alerts and Mention are good starting for that. But a lot of the big brands now have Radian6 and Meltwater and all the other ones that are the big monitoring platforms in place. So thats the eight stages, each one in its one right can get quite complicated as you can appreciate but that the simple process that I use and it works. How does social media impact employer branding? A huge impact, in my opinion. I think the availability of social networks has given everybody a voice. So thats potential employees, existing employees, alumni from your company. And its a voice to express opinion, talk about the company, talk about anything to do with that brand as well as the company. So you add in the technology like mobile, the proliferation of video apps, image apps, mobile cameras, the ability to find or to share more content information about what its like to work in that particular company, its really helping employees now to get a feel for what its like to work there, so its a very powerful tool. And for me its no longer optional. Yeah, there is an expectancy now from a job seeker to go to a search engine whether thats Google, whether its a career site search engine and find information out about companies. Were seeing in America Glassdoor, for example, is a lot bigger than it is here in the UK and Europe but were seeing them expand here, as more and more people are looking to see what the brand is like online and what people are saying about them. So done well, it massively aids recruitment and retention, done badly or even not at all and I think we know how badly that can affect company. How do you measure social recruiting ROI? You could look at the exposure then of how big your  networks are to start engaging with people that can expand your exposure again based on your objectives and they are similar with influence. There is another simple but also very complex ROI which is on placements.  If you have a very good ATS, if you have a very good recruiting system or CRM system that you can track jobs, for example, or links and effectively tracks back in to the system when people apply or come in via that method, then thats a very straight forward way of determining an ROI because you can base it on direct applications, for example, from a link. The challenge with social comes in is, lets just say you as an organisation push some content out, start engaging people in January. That candidate sees that content in January, it registers for the first time, its your brand and thinks what a great place to work but they are a contract at the moment. But you stay in contact with them for three or four months and it might be LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and you start to build a relationship and eventually six months later they come to you. How are you going to track that initial contact, and what will that source of the initial engagement come from be? Would it be that first time they saw you on that social network or would it be the other ones subsequently? So Im not convinced thats the easiest part to track ROI, maybe you start looking at the ROI of the engagement piece and measuring that. But I think thats still the piece that we are probably missing in the industry, the long term tracking of initial contact. Connect with Andy on Twitter @AndyHeadworth.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

10 Amazing Meal Preparation Services That Will Save Your Life - Classy Career Girl

10 Amazing Meal Preparation Services That Will Save Your Life Things have become very busy around here at Classy Career Girl headquarters. Since we work from home, having healthy meals on hand has become more important than ever. Since Im the one in charge of grocery shopping and preparing the meals around the house, Ive been researching some different options. Dont get me wrong, I really do love to cook and I love to eat  as healthy as I can when I have time. But, lately I have had little time on hand since my daughter has become a toddler that wants to play dress up every second of the day. So I dont have a ton of time to grocery shop or prepare meals. The recipes I use need to be speedy and not have a TON of ingredients for this busy working mama to stay sane and present with my family. My favorite discovery for grocery shopping has been Amazon Prime. Once a week I order my groceries and they are delivered to my door. Win! But, what about the meal preparation process? Thats what Ive been researching a lot lately and trying. All of a sudden it seems in this market, there are a ton of great options.  You probably had no idea that some of these existed, right? Here are a few of my favorites: 10 Amazing Meal Preparation Services That Will Save Your Life Hello Fresh The winner: HelloFresh delivers a big box to your doorstep on the day of your choosing. You are in control and you can pause, modify or cancel your subscription anytime. They have three meal plans you can choose from. We choose the 4 person plan and were happy with the sizes. My husband even enjoyed cooking! This was by far our favorite plan that we tried. These recipes also didnt take too long to cook which was perfect for us. The Fresh 20 I enjoy eating gluten-free so the reason I loved this plan was because it gave me great recipes to cook each week. Basically, all I had to do was buy the 20 ingredients and then make the week of meals. Unfortunately, many of the meals took longer than the advertised 20 minutes though. I also found some errors on the servings and printouts so I felt like the recipes could have been presented a little better.  This service does not deliver the food so that was a difference from Hello Fresh but its cheaper! ?? Green Leaf This is another meal delivery service. You can pick a 2-person plan or a family plan. We werent completely happy with the amount of food we got in the family plan but it tasted great. Also, the recipes were a little more in depth and took longer to create so it didnt quite work the best for our busy family. Also, one of my meals was delivered a day late but feel free to try it and let me know how your experience goes! Green Blender Do you lovea good smoothie? If yes, then try green blender. They deliver you ingredients each week to make your smoothies every week. I have not tried this service yet but I want to try it soon. For me, I really want to do this on the busy weeks when I barely have a second to eat let alone shop for healthy food. Ill update this post when I try it! Plated I have not tried this one yet either but it looks like an awesome option to try soon. Plated launch in 2012  believing that the world is a better place when its easy for people to eat well. They do give you a free dinner to try so its definitely on my list!  This one I think I might love because you can choose the recipes you want each week which the others did not have that option. Blue Apron I had to include this one for you cooks out there. Yes, it tastes great but the prep time in the kitchen to cook these meals is just not for me.sorry! Chefs Plate This one is for our Canadian readers! I didnt want to leave you out. These recipes look delicious! Sun Basket Another one on my list to try. Sun Basket offers hand-selected  seasonal organic and non-GMO ingredients from the countrys best farms delicious recipes delivered weekly and you can choose from  Family, Gluten-Free, Paleo, and Vegetarian options. Sakara This is on my list for next week! This is all plant-based which would be perfect for our home office because I love eating plant-based lunches! The images look yummy  and perfect for when you are too busy to think about whats for dinner. eMeals I have not tried this meal preparation service but I love that they have an app! eMeals  weekly meal plans offer a variety and flexibility allowing you to pick the recipes that best fit your needs that week. You can select the meals you want for the week, and their  app will do the rest for you. Add your odds and ends for the week and you are all set! Which meal preparation service is your favorite? Share in the comments below!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Tips - How To Get The Best Tips From An Employer

Resume Tips - How To Get The Best Tips From An EmployerLooking for the best resume tips can be hard since each employer wants a resume that they will need to hire. This means that each person has different requirements that might not be in line with the average expectations.Of course, each human resource manager will have their own goal and that is how they intend to get hired. That being said, it would be helpful if they could find some resume tips that are similar to the needs of others. Here are a few of the top resume tips that are commonly used by many of the employers when it comes to looking for resumes:Most of the time, resume tips are going to be based on what type of employer you are. Since you want to look good for whoever you are applying to, it might be best to use the tips that are more related to the job that you are trying to fill. Whether it is sales, administrative, clerical, or any other type of job, you need to make sure that you find the resume tips that will fit your needs. If you are going to use the same type of resume tips for different types of jobs, then you will not get the results that you desire.When you are looking for resume tips, then you will want to go online to see what other companies are doing to make their resumes look better. Although you will not be able to do this right away, you will want to keep your eyes out for other people's suggestions. There are tons of websites out there that will allow you to have input about how to write a resume for whatever position you are applying for.In addition to this, taking a course at school can also be a great way to get additional resume tips. Since there are so many courses out there, it might be difficult to figure out which one will be right for you. Of course, doing a little research can help you get a much better idea of which ones are most popular and which ones you should use.Since everyone wants to be successful at something, then you might want to consider writing your own resume. This can be a good way to make sure that you get the type of resume tips that you want. In fact, this can be the best way to make sure that you find the best resume tips.If you decide to use your own resume instead of someone else's, then you need to make sure that you take a little time to research what kind of options you will have available. If you do not know much about the job, then this can prevent you from getting a resume that will be helpful for your application.The bottom line is that you should always remember that these tips are there to help you. They are also designed to help you in finding the best resume tips for your own situation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

POCKET MONEY PODCAST How to get your Dream Job - Jane Jackson Career

POCKET MONEY PODCAST How to get your Dream Job - Jane Jackson Career I was delighted to be invited for an interview on the Pocket Money Podcast by about careers and how to get your Dream Job. Originally posted on Listen to this fascinating podcast many thanks to Franko AliWhat was your dream job when you were a kid? How did it change as you got older? On this episode of Pocket Money, were putting the dream job in the interview seat and checking its resume.Were speaking with some interesting characters to understand what makes us tick, how we can better think about our lives and our careers, and if the concept of a dream job actually exists in reality. Whether youre deciding how to choose a career or feel like youre at a dead end, this is the podcast for you.Thank you to our guestsJane Jackson,Ben Southalland AFL starPhil Davis.And a very special thanks to our wonderful dreamers, Abigail, Toshan, Sriyan, Sophie, Lexi, Tim, Jai, Kara, Max and Lydia. The team at Finder wish you luck in your future careers!Mentioned in this episodeJane Jackson, Career Management CoachBen Southalls Best Life AdventuresPhil Davis of the GWS GiantsThe GWS Giants play out of GIANTS Stadium in Sydney Olympic Park, for more visitgiants.aflBook:Gritby Angela DuckworthBook:Lost Connectionsby Johann HariThe 2017 Imagination ReportWorld Happiness Report 2017The highs and lows of being drafted into the AFLCHART: The Average NBA Player Will Make A Lot More In His Career Than The Other Major SportsAdditional creditsMediaApollo 11 â€" Mission Day Audio â€" Day 1Guy Snares Best Job in the World As CaretakerTourism Queensland | The Best Job In The World [case study]Vanilla Ice â€" Ice Ice BabySwimming soundGreatest after-siren goals through history | AFLGary Vaynerchuk: Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape â€" Web 2.0 Expo NYSteve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement AddressAdditional sound and effects provided by Logic Pro Sound Library and StoryblocksMusicElastic Vibe byViz MoranDaydream byIan LockeThrough The Fire byMichael ShynesDaydreaming byIan PostCircus Clown byIan PostPocket Money Theme byBamby MediaThe Finder podcast is intended to provide you with tips, tools and strategies that will help you make better decisions. Although were licensed and authorised, we (and our guests) arent providing any form of financial or legal advice. So please consider your own situation and get proper advice about your individual circumstances before making any decisions based on anything in our show. Thanks for listening!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Essential Steps To Landing Your Dream Job - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

The Essential Steps To Landing Your Dream Job A lot of us struggle when it comes to getting the job of our dreams. Often, it’s not because we’re not good enough, it’s because we don’t have the confidence to get it. Believe it or not, if we’re not confident it shows, which can lead to us being unsuccessful. The key to success is following a set of steps that ensure you’re as confident as possible when it comes to attending your interview. Want to land your dream job, then take note of the simple steps below: Step 1: Ensure your CV is spot on Your CV  is the first thing that a potential employer will see about you, and it’s what they use to determine whether to give you an interview. Your CV needs to give off a good impression about you; that’s why it’s so important that you get it right. It should be well-written, include all the relevant information, and should be free of any errors. Look at the job description and tweak your CV to match it. The layout is also important for inspiration have a look online. It’s best to ask a friend or family member to proofread it for you, before sending it off. Just to double check for any mistakes. Step 2: Research the company The next step is to research the company in detail. One of the first questions you will be asked at interview will most probably be something like ‘what do you know about this company?’. That’s why it’s essential that you research the company beforehand so that you know as much as possible about them. The fact that you’ve researched the company will instantly make your interviewer like you more. So make sure to take the time to do this it really is essential. Step 3: Practice how you come across at interview Interviews can be seriously scary, especially when there’s more than one person interviewing you. The important thing is to stay cool, calm and collected. If you panic, you will start to get stressed out and won’t come across well. To help you ensure that you come across well at interview, it’s worth having a practice beforehand. Ask a friend or relative to do a mock interview with you to help you prepare for your actual one. This should help to relieve your nerves and ensure that you come across well. If after practicing you still don’t feel ready, check out this interview advice from Randstad. Take these tips and advice on board and you can up your chances of interview success. Step 4: Be smart, timely, and polite Last but not least, make sure that you are smartly dressed, timely and as polite as possible. You can never be overdressed for an interview so always dress in smart/formal attire. Keep your hair neat and off your face and your makeup, if you’re wearing any, should be minimal. Politeness and a smile goes a long way, so make sure to be as polite as possible. Don’t just flop in the nearest seat, wait to be invited to sit. Remember, first impressions are everything. So there you have it, the essential steps to landing your dream job. Take these on board and you can (and will) be successful. Be positive and you will land your dream job.